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FSMA Preventive Controls Workshop

The Food Safety Modernization Act became law in 2011 and its main component “Preventive Controls for Human Foods” will be finalized in 2015, with FDA enforcement starting in 2016. This Workshop is targeted at small dairy plants, providing them with:

•An in-depth understanding of the FSMA “Preventive Controls for Human Foods” regulation.
•Model food safety/HAACP/HARPC written programs that can be used as models for your operation.
•Small group exercises to train you on ways to improve your food safety HAACP/HARPC programs.
•Presentations on how to use environmental testing kits, ATP kits, and metal detection in your plant.
•Review of model dairy plant programs on operational records. What FDA’s Preventive Controls for Human Foods requires for plant records and how to maintain an effective dairy plant records system.
•Attendees successfully completing the Workshop and a short test will receive a certificate indicating you’ve met the requirements in “Preventive Controls for Human Foods for a Qualified Individual”. Each dairy plant is required to have one.

Who should attend?
Plant, Industry, Extension, and Regulatory personnel seeking to gain in-depth knowledge of HACCP/HARPC, Prerequisite Programs, and FSMA’s “Preventive Controls for Human Foods”. Those needing to obtain a “Qualified Individual” certification, as required by FSMA for dairy plants.


Mr. Allen Sayler, Managing Partner, Center for Food Safety & Regulatory Solutions, LLC

Mr. Steve C. Murphy, Senior Extension Associate, Food Science, Cornell University

Other Technical Experts on Environmental Monitoring, ATP, and metal detection

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