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This workshop, sponsored by the Vermont Cheese Council, will share information, forms and tools from the Center for Food Safety & Regulatory Solutions (CFSRS) and Allen Sayler that will allow small cheesemakers to work in teams and build their own food safety plans. The workshop will be made up of short presentations followed by working projects that will provide an opportunity for attendees to immediately apply the presentation information and build their own written operational sanitation programs, product descriptions, flow diagrams, risk-based hazard analyses for their cheeses. Written and implemented food safety plans are a basic requirement for cheesemakers trying to expand market for their cheeses outside of Vermont and are a public health requirement of the State of Vermont and the US Food & Drug Administration as well as many cheese buyers and cheese mongers. Get your food safety plan operational and functional so your company can grow, while minimizing the risk of food-borne outbreaks from your cheese.

Instructor: Allen Sayler

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